Saturday, December 21, 2002
Oh Night Divine
Feeling: Glittery (just out of spite)
So, the kind folks at BOV or Bloggy Opinions reviewed my site. I am not even going to give them a link, since they couldn't find anything at all positive to say about my site except to say that my links worked. She even made fun of the fact that one day I felt "Glittery" . Apparently she has never felt glittery and sparkley and shiny. She was overly concerned with my age and my use of a "childish" template. I am not even sure she read any of my posts or tried to get the feeling of the blog overall. I guess she can say whatever she wants and it can be a form of free, albeit negative, advertising. (Sticking my tongue out at the mean lady >:P )
I am almost done with my Christmas shopping. I have just a few more gifts to buy, which is cool since I started on Dec. 19th. We have been busy wrapping gifts and trying to stay ahead of Conner's questions about Santa and his exsistence in general. I really want him to keep believing for at least a couple of more years. I think when you stop believing in Santa, you lose a huge part of your childhood and it affects the rest of your life. It is good to be open to fantasy and to have some faith in the magical side of things. I still believe and I refuse to think that it could all be a lie.
I have walking pneumonia, and I generally feel like death warmed over a second time. It is not so much the coughing and pain, but the overwhelming fatigue that comes along with it. Apparently, I could suffer with it for sometime, so I am just trying to get used to it.
I should really be getting back to the grind now, since I am at work.
Ciao Bellas!
Rachel posted this at
4:39 AM
Saturday, December 14, 2002

Which Rocky character are you?
Rachel posted this at
9:19 AM
Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree
Feeling: Festive!
WooHoo!!! I am in the holiday spirit something fierce!!! I love love love Christmas and all the lights and brights and garland and shopping and crowds and Santa and just everything!!! I haven't done any of my shopping yet, since I don't get my big non-rent-paying check until the 20th, but I enjoy the last minute thing too. My tree is up and twinkling away (usually with a cat in it!) and the stockings are hung. We had our office Christmas party last night, and it was really nice. I have been a temp so much that I have missed out on a lot of Christmas parties, but this was fabulous!!! We all ate Chinese food and everyone got drunk (except me and a couple of other teetotalers-more on that later tho, I am in too good of a mood to talk about my reason behind not drinking, except to tell you that it is not a 12-step sort of thing) This morning I found out that after I left about 9pm, a lot of people stayed out until after 2am, going from place to place and downing drinks at a tremendous rate of speed. I am almost glad I missed it.
Well, since I am at work, I am going to cut this short. Please please please do my poll-I will love you forever if you do!
Loves, Me
Rachel posted this at
8:21 AM